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We are an ordinary family, two kids, a dog (a large dog), with an extraordinary journey.

Monday, August 13, 2012


Kelley Family Update:

*Tomorrow we meet with Owen's geneticist, yikes!  We are very nervous and a little worried.  Praying that God would give us peace and help us to remember everything they say!  I (Aubrey) on one hand am looking forward to this because it will help me feel less "in the dark."  Whatever tomorrow brings, we will get through it.
*Harper, officially an expert crawler, is now saying "Mama."  She is still so little but doing so much!

BIG NEWS!  I am so excited!  NO, I'm not pregnant!  However, I am going to be able to do my dream job...I'm going to STAY AT HOME with my kids!  This is something I have dreamed of since i was 12.  I am so thrilled to be able to do this, so thankful for a supportive husband, and so happy to fulfill my dream.  September 7th is my last day at St. Agnes.  I have so many mixed emotions about leaving such a wonderful work family, but I can't wait to be at home.  I am truly going to miss each co-worker, their kids, and the families I have come to love.  I've poured my heart into my kids the last five years there, and now I get to pour it into my own children.  I feel so lucky!
    So, a big thank you to my husband who has been so helpful in positioning us so that I can stay home, supporting my decision, learning to live with less so we can enjoy more and loving me more than I deserve.
*My sister Amber got married two weeks ago (August 4th)...and it was like a huge family reunion.  We had a blast!