Still in Fresno/Clovis..yes, really. Try to find me :)
oh's still only April? Well, April 22nd came and went...and the result: Aaron is released to full duty! Hip-hip-hooray! He went back to work on his 2/4 schedule yesterday, and we visited him today! Owen absolutely adores his Daddy (Daddy's job) and Uncle Sam. I am so grateful my husband LOVES his job...because my son can't get enough! This was Harper's first time in the engine and she had to warm up to the noise. Her little fingers were like daggers in my arm! Daddy rode his bike to work a whopping 20.1 miles...sharing one car isn't easy!
So, I have started running the last 3 weeks...and I must admit, I still HATE it! But I know it's a mental challenge..and I'm game this time. Ready to lose the remaining 10lbs of baby Harper weight! (a year and a half later, how sad!)
Kids and I are getting adjusted...much better when he hops out and runs the hills and tunnels with me!
4/26/13... WEEK 4!!! 2.95 miles
So I started @ 2.0 miles and my max has been 3.51miles. I don't have a goal other than to loose weight and feel better...oh yeah and to be able to keep up with my husband for a couple miles ;)
They have adapted well to living with Yaya and Papa for a while. They are having a blast with the neighbor kids and enjoying life as kids.