Harper rocks my world. Just when I think she can't get any cuter she says something new like "I lobe you momma," "No, David" (from the book), "Owwie" (Owen's nickname), or something like "pew-wee," or "move" (usually directed at Toby). She is amazingly beautiful, and I tell Aaron all the time, I'm not sure how I managed to have such a gorgeous girl, she's more beautiful than I ever dreamed. I love watching her discover new words, and catch on to big kid stuff like climbing structures at the park, learning to ride a balance bike, and potty train. God has blessed me with her sweet, affectionate and loving personality, somethings I lack in myself he has given me abundantly in my daughter, and I'm thrilled.
*Loves Minnie Mouse
*Likes shoes, purses, Lipstick and chapstick (a lot), and all things girly
*Likes talking on the phone to family members
*Doesn't like showers
*Is a good "cleaner"
*Potty trained at 22 months
*Sleeps most of the night in her own toddler bed
*Enjoys most food, and tries new foods
*Is shy and slow to warm, but affection when comfortable
*Learning about the Bible and how much God loves her
*Enjoys seeing "babies" especially newborns
*Loves her Daddy and melts his heart
*Likes animals, especially birds and "catty cats"
*Loves music, especially instrumental hip hop and opera, classical, and kids songs
Enjoying cheese pizza at whole foods
Zoo fun
auntie Alex's lipstick :)
balance bike girl!
Party time
this is her sassy stance
bike ride
Harper I can't believe you are two! So many new things for you to do! I love you more than you'll ever know! I love watching you grow. xoxo mommy