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We are an ordinary family, two kids, a dog (a large dog), with an extraordinary journey.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Movin' on

Owen update:
*Geneticist says she's very encouraged by Owen's diagnosis, results, and prognosis.  We will not need to see the neurologist or seek help until we see symptoms arise.  They predict at least til' his teens!  We are so hopeful and encouraged after seeing them.  Neurologist consultation is scheduled for October, we'll keep you posted.  Meanwhile we're just living our lives to the fullest and trying to give Owen the best childhood we can.
*I (Aubrey) had my blood drawn and it's currently being tested at City of Hope.  We are trying to find out if I am the carrier.  We will know in 3 more weeks.
Owen's a happy and healthy 2 1/2yr old

Big News:
We have, upon MUCH thought and consideration, decided to move our family.  For many of you reading this it may seem sudden and out of the blue, but it has been on our hearts and minds for a year now.  We wanted to move last year, but with the news of Owen's diagnosis we decided to stay close to family.  After Owen's second and final diagnosis we felt the door of opportunity opened again.  A week from tomorrow we will (if all things work together) be packing up and heading out.  Where to you ask?  Davis.  We have been visiting and visiting and visiting...and the more we're there the more we want to stay.  We enjoy the relaxed small town feel where people are intentionally aware of their environment, children, and relationships.  We  have decided that Davis would be a wonderful city to raise children in.  With me staying home, and Aaron available on his 4 days off, we will be able to provide our children with what we have always wanted to-time and attention.  We are both so excited to start this new chapter in our lives.  We appreciate all the support we have received, thank you!

*Harper started taking steps on August 27th!  She was 9months and 28 days old!  So proud of her.  She will be taking off in no time.
*My last day of work was so bittersweet.  I am truly blessed to have been able to work with so many wonderful women!  I'm grateful to our psychologist/infant mental health specialist and her work in my life.  I love and will miss all the families I've come to know.  SAMC, you have such a special place in my heart.  Owen's going to miss everyone, especially Nadia!  xoxo