About Me

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We are an ordinary family, two kids, a dog (a large dog), with an extraordinary journey.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Harper Turns 2!

Harper is 2!?!  Where has the time gone?  My baby is growing so fast!  I know all parents say that, and feel it.  It really is amazing how fast time goes when you look at your children.  We celebrated Harper's Birthday with a family party at our place.  She had a blast opening presents and eating cake pops (yes, she had 2!).  She kept saying "party, party."  She definitely knew it was her day.  Today we took her to get pancakes (yummy!) for breakfast.  She also got to "trick or treat" for the first time.  She LOVED it! We discovered she likes "pops" suckers/lollipops.  She dressed up as Minnie Mouse, her favorite thing right now.
    Harper rocks my world.  Just when I think she can't get any cuter she says something new like "I lobe you momma," "No, David" (from the book), "Owwie" (Owen's nickname), or something like "pew-wee," or "move" (usually directed at Toby).  She is amazingly beautiful, and I tell Aaron all the time, I'm not sure how I managed to have such a gorgeous girl, she's more beautiful than I ever dreamed.  I love watching her discover new words, and catch on to big kid stuff like climbing structures at the park, learning to ride a balance bike, and potty train.  God has blessed me with her sweet, affectionate and loving personality, somethings I lack in myself he has given me abundantly in my daughter, and I'm thrilled.
*Loves Minnie Mouse
*Likes shoes, purses, Lipstick and chapstick (a lot), and all things girly
*Likes talking on the phone to family members
*Doesn't like showers
*Is a good "cleaner"
*Potty trained at 22 months
*Sleeps most of the night in her own toddler bed
*Enjoys most food, and tries new foods  
*Is shy and slow to warm, but affection when comfortable
*Learning about the Bible and how much God loves her
*Enjoys seeing "babies" especially newborns
*Loves her Daddy and melts his heart
*Likes animals, especially birds and "catty cats"
*Loves music, especially instrumental hip hop and opera, classical, and kids songs

Enjoying cheese pizza at whole foods

Zoo fun

auntie Alex's lipstick :)

balance bike girl!

Party time

this is her sassy stance

bike ride 

Harper I can't believe you are two!  So many new things for you to do!  I love you more than you'll ever know!  I love watching you grow.  xoxo mommy

Sunday, July 21, 2013

a month in snapshots

Ok...so I just have to load some pictures because it's been too long, and my kids are cute!

Harper and Luke chillin'

Owen and Yaya swimming

Eating breakfast on the couch

Harper loves her big brother!

Owen's first In Theater Movie!!!

Despicable Me 2

Life Group Kiddos: tiny trouble

One of the best reasons we are glad to be in Fresno...Daddy's work!

One day :)

Aaron and I

Harper and Mommy at Carmel

So unsure of the sand...and awfully mad I made her walk on it!

Playing at the beach!

Exercising with mommy!

Last Frozen yogurt in Davis!

Bye bye stuff...our storage unit!  My buff hubby!

This is how the Kelley's move! :)

So darn cute!  Wish I had 20 more of her :)

trust (again)

I can hardly believe it's been a month (4 weeks) since we have been back in Fresno.  Sometimes it felt as if June 30th (our move out) was never going to come!  But, as all things do, it came-and went.  As we currently reside with family and wait for God to guide us into a home we can't help but miss Davis.
    Wondering what lies ahead, how we will adjust to yet another home, finding our routine, and trying to collect ourselves consumes my brain.  Every day (or more like night) I pull out my Jesus Calling and my Bible and am reminded of the stillness and quietness and rest I find in Christ (even if only for an hour).  God is speaking to me, and Aaron, so clearly it is crazy.  I had to write today, because I just wish other people can see how real God is when we seek him.
    This morning at Church the Pastor was talking about God being "The Good Shepherd," and leaving his own flock to find sheep who have wandered away or keep choosing to roam from the herd.  He said that Shepherds used to search for the wandering sheep, break one of its ankles, and carry it over their shoulder...only as if to be saying "I'll do whatever I have to to keep you safely in my herd."  *Aaron looked at me with a look of ridiculous and sarcastic shock on his face and said "He broke my leg!"  Seriously, thank you God for breaking Aaron's leg...because the longer we would have stayed in Davis we may not have wanted to come back.  Oh my how intimate and real God is when we are attuned to Him and His will.
    Tonight, I started reading my Jesus Calling (which, by the way, has been such a blessing since my BSF ended for summer, I can't wait to start back up!).  It starts out like this..."Rest in my presence when you need refreshment.  Resting is not necessarily idleness, as people often perceive it."  I do feel as if I'm being idle in a home that's not my own, trying to figure out what His will is for me while I'm here waiting.  It continues to talk about Trust (the theme of my life this year).  "I want you to lean on, trust, and be confident in me...in quietness and trust shall be your strength."  Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding."  Isaiah 30:15 "...in repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength."  God is still, after what feel like "long enough" calling me to Trust in Him.  I wrote in my journal "Amazing that almost a year later, God, you are still trying to get me to trust you fully!  Why is it so hard for me?  Funny how i think I am fully surrendered to Him, and then he unveils my worries and I see that I am still holding on to stuff.  Silly me to believe I can change my circumstances or feel at peace when I am digging my heels in."  Trust and Obey.  Today Pastor Brad was also talking about obedience...obedience requires an action...which displays my trust.  Still trying to figure out what my "action" is now...through much prayer and seeking I know the answer will come, I just would like it to hurry up and get here! :)
I have to say Aaron and I are so lucky to have amazing friends here!  Just when things get tough, and I sometimes start to "get in a funk" my life group ladies come to the rescue.  I am so blessed, so so blessed to be surrounded by women who love me when I'm me...and pray me through.  Sometimes I wish I could be a better woman, better wife, better mom.  Sometimes i just need to BE, and be still knowing the He is God...and that this life is not all there is.  I will never be perfect, but I have HOPE that one day perfection will come.  Like the song in Church today said "I lift my eyes up, my help comes from the Lord."  I am learning, ever so often it feels like, that I have to look up to Him and not to myself to continue on.  Thank you Life Group for being what you're supposed to be!  Without a doubt the best!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

trust and obey

Everytime I try to blog about the transition we are in from Davis back to Fresno I type and delete...until tonight, I type and save and when I'm finished (if I finish) hopefully I publish instead of save for later.  For my own good and the glory of God I must keep typing.
    You see, we had a plan (Aaron and I) to move to Davis where it's comfy and safe and fun and beautiful.  Where there's great education and local produce.  Where people don't judge you by the clothes you are wearing--or in Owens case the lack there of.  For us it would be a fresh start and a gamble.  We love Davis, and I think we always will.  But our plans are not His plans and slowly our hearts transformed.  As I attended BSF and started studying Genesis, and the life of Abraham I slowly began to feel an absence of "blessing."  Not monetary or material blessings, but spiritual and foundational blessings.  If God wanted us in Davis (which he clearly allowed) then why weren't things feeling "blessed."  As I studied Abraham and how GREAT his faith in God was, I began to see what putting God first looked like, what it meant, and how to do it.  So...I guess this is more a story of how God has changed my heart through the life of Abraham, and how Aaron and i are choosing to respond.
    From September 16th to the beginning of November we started settling in and enjoying our surroundings.  If anyone asked we were loving life.  That was all very true, and nothing drastically changed to make us feel like we wanted to be anywhere else.  When I started talking to Aaron about missing out on the blessings God may have had for us if we stayed in Fresno we began to question our motives for moving.  Purely good motives... (read my notes on good vs. best).  From November to December little things became struggles, reality started to set in, and we started to feel unsettled in our decision.  Since I was finally staying home we figured we would have more time together as a couple...date night?  Yeah right!  Finding a Church was rough...until we found one that served cookies and hot chocolate after EVERY service...and Owen fell in love!  We just couldn't get connected, find a group, or commit to a marriage retreat.  Aaron was only able to attend once or twice a month due to commuting (which in and of itself was taking a toll on him).  We missed our biblically based teachings and convicting sermons from Brad.  We missed our life group (people we had connected with who we had fallen in love with and felt blessed to be part of).  We missed feeling God's purpose in our lives in that place.  Things just weren't "connecting."  I attended MOPS in hopes to find friends or people my age with kids.  My BSF class was out of town, my neighbors were 40+ with green thumbs and welcoming hearts, but just not connecting.  It was starting to feel like a near miss...so close, but not what felt right.   I had been diligently and persistently praying for months that I would feel God's blessing of our decision to move to Davis, but I never did.  As Aaron and I started praying for Gods clear guidance about our situation and feelings we started to feel peace. 
    Aaron and I cannot explain what happened in January...it was as if for the first time we could read each other's minds.  As we sat down to talk about how we were feeling about Davis we agreed that it was time to "go back 'HOME'." The question everyone else asked of us was "So, why did you move to Davis."  It started to take root in my heart...and the answer wasn't revealed to me consciously then...my answer was something like this:  We really like the area, what it has to offer kids, the community feel, and the safety.  We like the small town and friendliness of the people.  We have visited and not wanted to go home...so we figured we would try it out.  What would a year hurt?  I now see that God allowed us to Davis to bring us closer to Himself, to show us what really matters in life, and to help remind us who is ultimately in control.  I can now look back and say for myself that I subconsciously thought moving to Davis would save my son and keep him safe.  I ran out of fear, and I tried to take control of my life.  I realize now that Owen will be safe and healthy wherever God has us.  If I'm in His will everything will work out for His glory.  I am NOT in control and I do not know what my future holds, but I know the one who holds it and I am committed to obeying Him!  Davis was not a waste.  It was a place where God had to bring us to get us close to him, to bring us to our knees, and to open our eyes.  
    Sometimes it's so hard to hear God's voice, or know his plans...but I have found that when I put him first, seek Him daily, trust what He tells me and act on it quickly that I am in constant communion with him and that is the best place to be.  I have also been reading Jesus Calling as my daily devotional, and I must say God has been speaking to me through that as well.
    So in the end, I realize we didn't consult God about moving to Davis...we told him what we were doing.  He allowed it in order for us to see that His plans are always better, and when we go where he wants us to go we will be blessed.  The Hymn Owen always sings is Trust and Obey...and that's my theme for this year, as hard as it is for me I am determined to trust and obey God...For there's no other way to be happy in jesus than to trust and obey.

*I am so blessed beyond words to have been part of the Vacaville BSF this year.  I cannot express my eternal gratitude for all the women in my group who prayed for me, laughed with me, cried with me, and helped me on my journey.  God was my best friend in Davis, my confidant, my strength and my shield.  He is breaking my will down daily and replacing it with a quiet reminder that surrendering myself to his will is what's best.  I cannot imagine my relationship being this strong, and I have Davis to remind me of that.  He used my mistakes and my futile plans to strengthen and grow me.  God is amazing, and I am so grateful He chose me!

With ALL that being said we are moving back to Fresno/Clovis in July.  God has opened and closed doors where he's seen fit.  He has answered so many prayers (not always to my liking), and been faithful.  We are waiting for God to guide us into a home, and when we know we'll share.  

Some of the lecture notes that spoke directly to my heart this year:
Genesis 18-19:
  -Compromise with the world means a wasted life with God.
Genesis 20-21:
  -Incorrect thinking causes us to react in fear instead of faith.
  -God calls believers to give up their own plans and follow his plans.
Genesis 22-23:
  -Tests provide opportunities to reveal our faith.
  -God provides for those who trust him.
  -God BLESSES those who TRUST Him.
Genesis 24-25:
  -God gives clear guidance to those who prayerfully trust him!
  -God wants us to act on the guidance that He gives us.
  -The Holy Spirit guides us on life's journey.  (my note: where do I need to trust that God's provision is what's best for me?)

*  Where there's true faith there's the miracle of God working in us.
* God opens our eyes to see our current provision when we are worrying about the future.
*  Sometimes the "good" is the enemy to the "best"
*  Genesis 22:2 Abraham cultivated "listening for God."
*  Obeying God shows that you trust him
*  Because Abraham obeyed others were blessed...when I obey others are blessed.  The blessings are eternal.
*  Genesis 25:1-18 Abraham's legacy
     1.  Rich (not monetary)
     2.  Finished well
     3.  He was blessed as well as his family

If you made it to the end, congrats...
xoxo Aubrey

Friday, April 26, 2013

still floating

Kids are CRASHED...hurry hurry must type as fast as possible

Still in Fresno/Clovis..yes, really.  Try to find me :)

oh boy...it's still only April?  Well, April 22nd came and went...and the result: Aaron is released to full duty!  Hip-hip-hooray!  He went back to work on his 2/4 schedule yesterday, and we visited him today!  Owen absolutely adores his Daddy (Daddy's job) and Uncle Sam.  I am so grateful my husband LOVES his job...because my son can't get enough!  This was Harper's first time in the engine and she had to warm up to the noise.  Her little fingers were like daggers in my arm!  Daddy rode his bike to work a whopping 20.1 miles...sharing one car isn't easy!

So, I have started running the last 3 weeks...and I must admit, I still HATE it!  But I know it's a mental challenge..and I'm game this time.  Ready to lose the remaining 10lbs of baby Harper weight! (a year and a half later, how sad!)

Day two...excited I ran more than one day!

First run with both kids in double b.o.b.  Notice my tongue hanging out...DOG TIRED! 2 miles
Kids and I are getting adjusted...much better when he hops out and runs the hills and tunnels with me!

4/26/13... WEEK 4!!! 2.95 miles
So I started @ 2.0 miles and my max has been 3.51miles.  I don't have a goal other than to loose weight and feel better...oh yeah and to be able to keep up with my husband for a couple miles ;) 

They have adapted well to living with Yaya and Papa for a while.  They are having a blast with the neighbor kids and enjoying life as kids.

uh...Owen's crying....to be continued

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Inspired by Jessi @ ffdsilvafamily.blogspot.com to blog!  However...it's late, and I have sooo much to catch up on!!!!  But, the opportunity is here!
    Well, let's see... right now we are floating in outer space (kind of--at least if feels like it).  We are currently staying in Fresno, with my MIL (YES...Never say NEVER!!!!  I am very grateful that she hasn't kicked us out yet!)  Why in Fresno?  My wonderful athletic and adventurous husband broke his ankle in a cycling accident.  Sooooo we are staying with family so I can get some help with the kiddos.  Let me tell you, this mamma was going CRAZY for one whole week by herself and no help!  It's been almost 3 weeks, and I know Aaron is dying to get his cast off on the 26th!  Who knows what the future holds...I guess God is really trying to get that point across to me.  In His timing things will work out, not mine!
  Owen is now 3 ( 42lb. and 38in)!  I cannot believe I have a 3 year old!!!!!  A pro on the bike, able to get on by himself and stop by himself on a two-wheeler.  He is obsessed with Fire Fighting, reading about it, dressing up, and rescuing people.  He is learning a lot about God in BSF and starting to memorize whole simple songs like "Hello God this is your day, I am your child, show me your way."  When he's not being my smart stud he is my mini me in terror tantrum mode...and oh-boy just ask the neighbors how good his lungs are!  At least I know he'll be an assertive individual who knows what he wants :)  Trying to figure out how to be a better mommy and nurture that instead of crush it...such a fine line!  He is my favorite little boy, and always will be.
  Harper is 17 months (30 in. and 23lb)!  She has recently started singing and signing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider," it is HILLARIOUS!  She absolutely loves "Twinkle, Twinkle" and "Ba-ba black sheep."  She is my "mini sumo-wrestler" dancer, because she sways side to side with the tune and giggles with excitement.  She tries to keep up with brother at the parks, and at home.  My pretty little girl who wants to wear skirts and tennis shoes, bows in her hair and dirt on her face.  She is feisty!  Harper absolutely loves music, singing, and dancing.  She's expanding her vocabulary, slowly (at her pace), and can say "shoes, cheese, bubba, ba-ba (for the song), this, up, NO, and ma (for muah) and guck (for duck duck goose)."  She is the cuddle bug that Owen is not.  She will sit in my lap and let me kiss all over her, or just hold her.  I am soaking that all up!!!!  She is still my eater, and I hope it continues!
  My children are amazing, and I am grateful for them.  Parenthood comes with many trials...and I know they will only get BIGGER...but there are lots of blessings.
  Being a SAHM has its pros and cons...and I was naive to think that life would be BLISSFUL if I just didn't have to WORK! lol  Well, I am learning life is what you make it.  God has given us each day to rejoice in and glorify him.  Many times I fail, but then He gives me tomorrow! God is growing me in so many ways, but mainly in putting him first.  I think this has been one of the hardest lessons to re-learn...because it requires ALL of me and lots of sacrifice.  The way He has changed my heart in the last 6 months is not what I expected, but what I needed.  Studying Abraham in Genesis this year through BSF has certainly shown me what God requires of me.
  "Trust and obey for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus than to trust and obey"...

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Owen's 3!

Happy Birthday my miracle baby!  From conception til' now you are my miracle from God!  I will eventually have to tell the story of your conception and birth...but for now, lets reminisce on the last year.
    Big boy you turned two, but my how the year flew...GEE now you're three!!!

 1.  You became a BIG BROTHER!
 2.  Went to your first wedding (Auntie Amber's)
 3.  Experienced your first (of many I'm sure) "body buried in sand"

4.  Had your fair share of dress-up days!  5.  Helped mommy bake :)

6.  Learned to ride a two wheel bike @ 2 1/2 yrs old!!!  7.  Swam underwater while holding your breath!  And jumped off a diving board!
 8.  Moved to a new home and picked out your bedroom  9.  Enjoyed your first "trick-or-treat"
10.  Discovered several nearby parks, and how to ride your bike to them all by yourself!
11.  Made new friends...and tried to impress them!  
12.  Learned how to do "tricks" on bikes and skateboards
13.  Expanded your vocabulary by like a BAZILLION words..and questions of "Why for?"

 14.  You have melted our hearts by finally saying "I love you" in response to us telling you first...and even telling us unexpectedly.
15.  Climbed an entire indoor rock wall-all by yourself!
16.  You have memorized bible verses and bible songs!
17.  You have ridden on trains, explored the train museum, and watched your first "Thomas" show.
18. You have helped Harper learn to brush her teeth!
19.  You have slept in your bed ALL NIGHT twice! Wohoo :)  (maybe next year it will be even more!)
20.  You have been MD symptom free this year!

You have learned how to do so many new things this year, I know next year will just be competition!  You are an amazing boy, and I know you WILL do anything you want to in life.
 I am so thankful that the God of this universe, the God who created the heavens and the earth, Adam, Eve, Noah, and Abraham, created YOU...and entrusted you to ME.  I love you!  And I tucked you into bed tonight, with joyful tears in my eyes, knowing how precious every minute is and knowing you enjoy it all!

So much to do, so much to see...enjoy being 3!

Thank you friends and family for all your continued prayers!  We covet them, and rejoice in the miracles God has preformed in our lives this last year.